Olivia Guterson
Origin: New Mexico, USA
Birth Year: 1990

I am thinking about brokenness, refusal, and fugitivity. And because I do not yet feel at home in my body and I am not yet fluent in the mother tongue of my spirit, I struggle to articulate that for which there is no language. I choreograph bones, shells, beads, soil, and colors into textures, gestures, rhythms, and offerings that challenge notions of my own sense of becoming human as contained and fixed. These materials and movements have histories and their stories usher me closer to myself, to you, to a home maybe. I create offerings because I yearn to sit together in the dark, waiting for something to happen.

Other Mama's Grandbaby Is the Sun, 2023
Oil, acrylic, glass beads, pumice, African fish bone, African coconut shell, pistachio shells, jasper, wood, cowries, and breath on cotton canvas
48" diameter

What The Waters Know ( In Ocean We Are Everywhere), 2023
Oil, acrylic, wood, glass beads, pumice, jasper, cowries, pistachio shells, African fishbone, African coconut shell, glitter, and breath on cotton canvas
48" diameter

Even The Sky Is Crying, 2023
Oil, acrylic, glass seed beads, glitter, cotton thread, steel wire, and breath on cotton canvas
48" diameter(nonagon)

Closer To The Quiet #1, 2023
Oil, acrylic, steel nails, glass beads, pumice, cowries, African fish bone, glitter, cotton thread on canvas.
36" diameter

In The Midnight Sun, 2023
Oil, acrylic, wood, wire, glass seed beads, cowries, African fish bone, African coconut shell, jasper, and cotton thread on cotton canvas
36" diameter

In The Midnight Sun, 2023
Oil, acrylic, wood, wire, glass seed beads, cowries, African fish bone, African coconut shell, jasper, and cotton thread on cotton canvas
36" diameter

Even The Sky Is Crying, 2023

Oil, acrylic, glass seed beads, glitter, cotton thread, steel wire, and breath on cotton canvas
48" diameter(nonagon)