Martin Venezky

Origin: San Francisco, CA, USA
Birth Year: 1957

Abstract forms have stories to tell. I use the camera to make them visible.

Our eyes are clouded by a veil of language. They miss a lot.   And although the camera can see without obstruction, it has its own affliction. Its lens invents relationships that are neither real nor present. But this misreading is what I love about photography; the conspiracy among objects whose only real connection is proximity.

My practice brings together works on paper with objects I’ve

collected. They reference an exterior world without depicting it. Their juxtaposition invents stories, and I in turn invent problems.

Although I often disrupt my work with digital dissonance, I hope that pleasure and disturbance will remain tethered together.

I Think It’s Gonna Be Alright, 2024
Pigment Inkjet Print
26" × 19" 

For Photographic Purposes Only, 2023
Pigment Inkjet Print
51-1/2" × 44"

For Photographic Purposes Only, 2023
Pigment Inkjet Print
40" × 36"

I Think It’s Gonna Be Alright, 2024
Pigment Inkjet Print
26" × 19" 

I Think It’s Gonna Be Alright, 2024
Pigment Inkjet Print
26" × 19"