Carina Tort Ortiz
San Juan, Puerto RicoBirth Year: 1988
Tort Ortiz draws influences from personal experiences, memories, family, community, place, and traditions. She is inspired by the combination of graphic design and screen printing used in Puerto Rican poster designs of the 60s and 70s. Tort Ortiz utilizes line work as a gestural expression in her illustrations, exaggerating features and creating tension within figures to explore dichotomies like land and body, colony and autonomy.
Caníbales [to the left], and Before the Eternal Return (Antes del eterno retorno) [to the right]
Acrylic and India ink on watercolor paper
55" × 42"
Acrylic on canvas
56" × 44"
Touch Me
Mixed Media: Screenprint on faux fur over book binder’s board, screw posts, paper.
7.5" × 8"